Over the last 9 years, Community Justice has blazed the trail for Federal policy and national coalition building that has trickled down and up to the local communities.

Learn more about our groundbreaking work:


  • Community Justice hosts the first-ever briefing on Capitol Hill on gun violence in communities of color in partnership with the tri-caucus members.

  • We laid the groundwork and helped lead the language of the writing of the Break the Cycle of Violence Act.

  • We began working on recommendations for FY appropriations at every level of government to go to those directly impacted by violence – work that continues to this day.


  • Our electoral efforts supported the first Black and brown-led presidential effort on gun violence turnout in Texas and Wisconsin. 

  • Amber Goodwin is appointed to lead the entire gun violence portfolio for the Biden-Harris Presidential Transition.

  • Community Justice was among select national advocacy groups invited to the initial Rose Garden White House meeting where funding for CVI was announced.


  • Our founder, Amber Goodwin, testifies at the first-ever hearing in Congressional history on gun violence in communities of color.

  • Our former Executive Director, Greg Jackson, testifies in an international arena on the state of public health and gun violence in Guatemala. 

  • We created the only national network of Black and brown policymakers solely focused on gun violence: Policymakers for Peace.


  • $5 billion was included in the Break the Cycle of Violence Act passed by the Senate, a bill that was chiefly written, led by, and supported by Community Justice. 

  • More than $200 million was allocated for CVI under the Bi-Partisan Safer Communities Act, initially emphasizing hardware or law enforcement-only approaches to gun violence. Community Justice later joined specific working groups, contributing to and leading the writing of CVI sections.

Since 2020, Community Justice has spearheaded efforts securing Congressional earmarks, directing over $25 million to fund on-the-ground CVI programs.

Your support is crucial to sustaining our ongoing work.

Support Our Work

We’re working to end gun violence in Black and Brown communities by empowering those closest to the pain to build political power, changing the narrative, and advocating for policy change –– and we can’t do it without you. Will you pitch in and help us keep up the fight?

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