Updates on Rapid Response & Talking Points

Rapid Response: Mass Violence in Black and Brown Communities over the Weekend

  • It’s beyond time we treat gun violence as the public health crisis it has become. By adopting bold, swift policies to address this crisis, we can ensure that this distressing weekend we’ve already seen stands as the clarion call for change.

  • These preventable tragedies continue to traumatize survivors, families, and communities nationwide. This is only the beginning of summer and we are already seeing violence and bloodshed at alarming rates.

  • Community Justice stands with the victims’ and survivors’ families and all those demanding action on the effective policies, sufficient resources, and community-led solutions that have been proven to effectively curb violence and keep guns off our streets.

Rapid Response: On President Biden’s Term

  • During his presidency, President Biden committed to reducing gun violence across the country by investing hundreds of millions of dollars in community violence intervention and creating the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

  • From early in his 2020 Presidential campaign, he approached gun violence as a public health issue and supported community-based approaches with increased resources and a holistic approach to gun violence prevention.

  • We thank President Biden for his leadership to reduce gun violence and welcome the opportunity to work with long-time gun violence prevention champion, Vice President Kamala Harris.

  • The Biden/Harris Administration has demonstrated a strong commitment to addressing community violence through comprehensive strategies and significant funding allocations. His administration's approach focuses on reducing gun violence, supporting community-based intervention programs, and enhancing public safety through a multi-faceted approach.

Key elements of President Biden’s commitment and impact:

Commitment to Reducing Violence

  • National Strategy to Combat Gun Violence:

    • President Biden has emphasized the importance of reducing gun violence as a public health crisis. His administration's strategy includes cracking down on illegal gun trafficking, implementing universal background checks, and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

  • Community Violence Intervention Collaborative:

    • The Biden administration launched the Community Violence Intervention Collaborative, which brings together 16 jurisdictions to expand and enhance their violence intervention efforts. This initiative aims to provide a national framework for effective violence prevention strategies.

Impact and Initiatives

  • Enhanced Support for Local Efforts:

    • The administration has significantly increased support for local violence intervention programs, recognizing their role in addressing the root causes of violence and providing direct support to affected communities.

  • Policy Reforms and Legislative Advocacy:

    • Biden has advocated for legislative reforms that support community violence intervention, including measures to close loopholes in gun laws and provide greater resources for community-based programs.

Funding Allocations

  • American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA):

    • The ARPA includes provisions encouraging state and local governments to use funds for community violence intervention programs. This flexible funding supports a range of initiatives aimed at reducing violence and promoting community safety.

  • Dedicated Funding for Community Violence Intervention Programs:

    • The administration has proposed and secured substantial funding for CVI programs. This includes a proposed $5 billion over eight years for community-based violence intervention programs as part of the American Jobs Plan.

    • In FY 2022 and FY 2023, the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) awarded nearly $200 million in CVI grants, supported in part by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act​ (Office of Justice Programs)​​ (OJJDP)​.

  • Additional Federal Grant Programs:

    • The Department of Justice has allocated funds through various grant programs, including the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants (JAG) and the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program. These programs support broad strategies from community engagement to strategic enforcement aimed at reducing violent crime​ (National League of Cities)​.

  • Comprehensive Support for Crime Survivors:

Special grants aim to enhance the capacity of organizations serving underserved communities, focusing on basic needs like transportation, housing, and clothing to foster healing and safety for crime survivors​ (National League of Cities)​.

Rapid Response: Black and Brown Communities Concerns about Political Violence

  • Black and Brown communities have a long, painful history with political violence in the United States, which has intimidated and devastated our communities for generations. Despite these challenges, our communities have continued the fight to end violence in all its forms.

  • As we know from our daily work, fear and anxiety about retaliatory violence can not be overlooked or ignored. We stand with the advocates and community leaders in the field continuing to work to end gun violence today, tomorrow and beyond. Now more than ever, we must redouble our efforts to provide our communities the tools and resources needed to support their safety and well-being in the aftermath of such violence.